Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Is it time to revisit Gandhi?

“Mumbai attack, Nov 26 2008” once again this retribution against innocent people has been successful. This appalling incident forces me to question if this insatiable desire for revenge will ever end.

Who is going to be Gandhi this time? Who will put an end to this? Are we even going to be lucky enough in this century to have someone who can stop all this?

India has very conveniently forgotten about our founding fathers and our strong foundation of unity, compassion and non-violence that has made us the biggest democracy in the world and the only democracy in the region.

Its time we remember Gandhi we cannot wait for some foreign enlighten from the west. Gandhi has given us enough to keep the harmony in the world. Non-violence, not because we are weak but because we are civilized to understand that violence affects both the winner and the looser.

Can any of us be sure that violence in the name of ‘right’ from one perspective will be right from every perspective?

Also, I would like to pay my tributes to ATS Hemant Karkare, Additional Commissioner Ashok Kamte and encounter specialist Vijay Salaskar and all the 11 police officials who sacrificed their life to keep Mumbai safe. May God give courage to the families of all the victims and survivors in these tough times.

Its time India stands united and says no to violence of any kind from any side.

-Aditi Jain Shah

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